ELICOS for the International Students (Part 1 of Part 3)

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‘ELICOS’ stands for ‘English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students’. ELICOS programs are designed for students who require English language training before starting their formal studies in Australia. These programs are open to all, including people who are in Australia on a tourist or visitor’s visa and people who do not want to do any further study after their English classes are over. In these cases, however, restrictions may apply.

Who do the ELICOS standards apply to?

The ELICOS Standards apply to providers who deliver courses which are solely or predominantly of English language instruction to student visa holders in Australia.

What is the definition of ELICOS?

For the purposes of the ELICOS Standards, an ELICOS course is a course of education or training that is:

  • solely or predominantly of English language instruction; and
  • provided, or intended to be provided, to an overseas student as defined in section 5 of the ESOS Act.

Courses which do not fall within the definition of ‘ELICOS’ include, but are not limited to:

  • English language programs provided exclusively to non-student visa holders;
  • English as additional language programs or support services offered within the school sector as part of a school curriculum; and
  • Foundation Programs.

What is included in the ELICOS?

  • General English course, or a course in English for business, graphic arts, the hospitality industry, academic studies, or postgraduate studies.
  • English for employment opportunities
  • Special courses in preparation for the Cambridge University examinations, IELTS or TOEFL.
  • EAP programs aim to improve students’ English language and academic skills and are designed to prepare students for direct entry to a VET Qualification or Higher Education.

What are the benefits of having ELICOS programs on scope

There are a number of benefits of having ELICOS programs on your scope, such as:

  • English language improvement and advancement for international students.
  • You can offer pathway programs to international students who have not scored direct adequate English language proficiency score to start their formal studies in Australia.
  • You can offer language, literacy and numeracy support to the international students.
  • You can offer education and employment pathways to the students

Guidelines for regulatory authorities

The National Standards for ELICOS providers and courses (ELICOS Standards) are guidelines for regulatory authorities to make recommendations for acceptance of providers to be registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) under the ESOS legislative framework.

Who are ELICOS providers and their types?

ELICOS providers can be distinguished as

  • Stand-alone ELICOS only providers
  • Vocational education course providers
  • Higher education course providers

The status of English Language Teaching in Australia

Market Growth Trend (Calendar Years)

2012 – 95,000 ELICOS student enrolments

2013 – 115,000          

2014 – 137,000

2015 – 65,000 YTD Jan-Mar growth to 165,000 +

(figures https://internationaleducation.gov.au/research/International-Student-Data)

Our ELICOS course list includes the following:

If you are interested in adding ELICOS to your scope or you need quality assessment and learning resources, we have the following resources available:

  • General English – Elementary to Advanced (5 Levels)
  • English for Academic Purpose – Elementary to Advanced (5 Levels)
  • English for IELTS – Elementary to Advanced (5 Levels)
  • English for PTE – Elementary to Advanced (5 Levels)

We are currently developing resources for the following ELICOS resources:

  • English for Business
  • English for Travel and Tourism
  • English for Hospitality

Speak with one of our ELICOS experts today regarding how we can assist you with quality training and assessment resources and addition to scope. Send an email to info@caqa.com.au for more information.

Stay tuned for more… our coming newsletters will cover the following topics:

  • Part 2: Can ELICOS and VET co-exist? English language requirements to enroll in the course and length of the course
  • Part 3: Understanding the ELICOS Standards (In a nutshell)
  • Special edition on frequently asked questions and answers on ELICOS
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