Review of the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) legislative framework

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The Review will examine how the ESOS regulatory framework can evolve to support Australia’s international education sector to innovate and diversify, while continuing to protect Australia’s international reputation as a quality education destination.
On 10 February 2022, the Department launched a public consultation as part of the Review process to seek views on the following broad questions:

  • How can the ESOS framework be strengthened and improved to deliver an optimal student experience?
  • How can the framework resolve any regulatory barriers that prevent sector innovation, diversification, and growth of Australian education offerings, including online and offshore?
  • How can the ESOS regulatory framework evolve to better support the sector to deliver a high-quality education experience?

The Department seeks consideration of these, and other questions raised in the Review discussion paper.
You can find the Discussion paper with more information, including how to make a submission here. Please use the submission form to provide feedback.
The Department is accepting feedback until COB Friday 29 April 2022.

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