Preparing your international students for culture shock

4 Min Read

Culture shock is a common experience for many international students who come to study in Australia. It can be a difficult adjustment, but there are ways to ease the transition. Here are some of these strategies that can help your international students prepare for culture shock:

  1. Help them research their host city and country before they arrive.
  2. Encourage them to reach out to other international students before they arrive.
  3. Have them make a list of expectations and goals for their time abroad.
  4. Help them find housing that is close to campus or in an international student community.
  5. Get them involved in campus life and activities as soon as possible.
  6. Introduce them to different food and culture gradually.
  7. Help them find a support system of friends, family, or mentors.
  8. Encourage them to stay positive and patient during the adjustment period.
  9. Help them find resources on campus, such as the International Student Office or the counselling centre.
  10. Suggest they keep a journal to document their experiences and emotions.
  11. Urge them to take care of their physical health by eating well and exercising.
  12. Help them manage their finances and budget for their time abroad.
  13. Encourage them to travel and explore their host country and region.
  14. Suggest they get involved in extracurricular activities or volunteer work.
  15. Help them find an internship or job related to their field of study.
  16. Urge them to take advantage of language learning resources on campus.
  17. Suggest they join a club or organisation related to their hobbies or interests.
  18. Encourage them to attend cultural events and festivals in their host city or region.
  19. Help them research and plan for any trips back home during their time abroad.
  20. Get them involved in planning and hosting events for other international students.
  21. Encourage them to stay in touch with family and friends back home through social media, emails, letters, or phone calls.
  22. Suggest they look into studying abroad again in the future, possibly in a different country.
  23. Help them find resources for their visa and immigration needs.
  24. Encourage them to network with professionals in their field of study.
  25. Suggest they attend graduate school or pursue other educational opportunities in the country after they finish their undergraduate studies.
  26. Urge them to take advantage of career counselling resources on campus.
  27. Help them with resume writing, career counselling and search for jobs and internships in the country.
  28. Get them involved in alumni organisations and events for international students.
  29. Suggest they become a mentor for other international students who are new to campus.
  30. Encourage them to stay connected with the International Student Office and other resources after they graduate.

These are just a few ideas to help your international students prepare for culture shock. By providing support and resources, you can help make their transition to Australian culture smoother and less stressful. 

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