Australia declined 50% of student visa applications from India in 2022

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Student from India, Nepal and Sri Lanka have had their request for student visa for Australia’s vocational to higher education declined. The international visa for vocational students in India, Nepal and Pakistan has dropped to less than one in four. The Australian visa authorities are concerned about these applicants’ bona fides, as per various reports. Visa grant rates for vocational education students have been below 50 per cent for most of 2022.

Only 3.8 per cent, that is 34 out of more than 900 student applications in vocational study were approved. As of July 2022, 96,000 Indian students were studying in Australia, forming the second largest group of foreign students after China. Australian immigration authorities have traditionally subjected offshore VET applicants to a high degree of scrutiny and hence there has been a high refusal rate.

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