VET Industry News 11-Apr-2019

2 Min Read

Strengthening Skills: Expert Review of Australia’s Vocational Education and Training System

On 28 November 2018, the Prime Minister announced an independent review of Australia’s vocational education and training (VET) sector to examine ways to deliver skilled workers for a stronger economy. The review was led by the Honourable Steven Joyce, a former New Zealand Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment. Mr Joyce delivered the final report to the Government in March 2019.

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Trainer and assessor credential requirements

The implementation date for new trainer and assessor credential requirements postponed from 1 April 2019 to 1 July 2019

​Commonwealth Dept of Education & Training

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Enrolments at Queensland TAFE slump by 45,000 since 2013

The number of TAFE students in Queensland has slumped by 79,000 since 2011 and by more than 45,000 since 2013.

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Generation Z: Life at 17

This infographic provides a snapshot of the lives of 17-year-old Australians in relation to school, work, living arrangements and the skills future workplaces will require. We use the latest LSAY data from those who were 17-years-old in 2017 to look at the group of young Australians who will transition from school to a world of work demanding new skills and experience.

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