ELICOS for the International Students (Part 3 of Part 3)

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In the last newsletters we discussed the following: 

  • What is ELICOS and what it stands for 
  • Who ELICOS applies to? 
  • What is the definition of ELICOS?
  • What is included in the ELICOS? 
  • What are the benefits of having ELICOS programs on scope 
  • Guidelines for regulatory authorities 
  • What are ELICOS providers and their types?
  • The status of English Language Teaching in Australia 
  • Can ELICOS and VET Co-exist?
  • English language requirements to enrol in the course and length of the course
  • What resources usually ELICOS students require? 

In this article, we will discuss the following: 

  • Understanding the ELICOS Standards

ELICOS Standards in a nutshell

New standards for English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) have been developed by the Australian Government Department of Education and Training (DET).

The ELICOS Standards 2018 came into effect from 1 January 2018, for existing and new providers (and comes into effect from 1 March 2018 for transitioning providers – i.e. providers to which the ELICOS Standards did not apply prior to 1 January 2018 but are assessed by a ESOS Agency, such as ASQA, to be delivering an ELICOS course). 

The ELICOS Standards seek to enhance Australia’s reputation as a source of quality education to international education markets and assist in attracting high-quality international students to Australia.

The National Standards for ELICOS providers and courses (ELICOS Standards) are guidelines for regulatory authorities to make recommendations for acceptance of providers to be registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) under the ESOS legislative framework.

Standard C1: Mandatory requirements for course applications 

This standard talks about the mandatory requirements on ELICOS applications. All course applications must be fit for purpose and must include the following information: 

  • Course name
  • Course component
  • Copyright information 
  • Course duration (expressed in weeks)
  • Course purpose
  • Relationship with other course(s)
  • Details of any articulation arrangements 
  • Profile of target learner group, including arrangements to meet the learning needs of students of different age groups and learning capabilities
  • Course outcomes expressed in learner-oriented terms
  • Course entry requirements
  • Strategy for monitoring student learning progress
  • Strategy for assessing achievement of learning outcomes including policies and procedures, materials and resources
  • Samples of certification of completion and partial completion that set out the CRICOS course name, levels of achievement or proficiency, course duration, date of completion, name and contact details of the registered ELICOS provider, and name and title of the signatory
  • Modes and methods of course delivery
  • Course structure demonstrating that it meets the minimum requirement of 20 hours face-to-face scheduled course contact per week, as well as any other study requirements and any scheduled breaks
  • Course syllabus that provides a statement of the purpose and objectives of the course, expected learning outcomes, subjects, structure and assessment of learning and progress
  • Strategy for ongoing course evaluation and review
  • Experience and qualifications of course teachers
  • Key and supplementary teaching resources
  • Maximum course fee

Standard P1: Scheduled course contact hours

Written agreements between registered ELICOS providers and students must provide accurate information to students on scheduled course contact hours (minimum of 20 hours of face-to-face contact per week plus any other scheduled course contact hours as a requirement of the course) for the ELICOS course.

Standard P2: Needs of younger ELICOS students

This standard is applicable if you enrol students under the age of 18. The operations of the provider should be appropriate for the age, maturity and English language proficiency of the students. The facilities, operations, equipment, course materials and tutoring must meet the needs of students of different ages, maturity and levels of English language proficiency. 

Standard P3: Teaching ELICOS and Standard P4: Assessment of ELICOS students

Your training organisation must have appropriate policies and procedures to provide students with optimal opportunities for achieving successful outcomes. The policies and procedures required under this standard are: 

  • English language testing and class placement 
  • Special needs and requirements 
  • Teacher to student ratio
  • Learning outcomes – access and documentation
  • Resources and equipment available
  • Student support
  • Research course content and developments in English language 
  • Retention and accessibility of records
  • Review, revision and delivery of course outcomes
  • Formative and summative assessments 
  • Regular reporting on course outcomes 
  • Course completion (partial and full) 
  • Continuous improvement 

Standard P5: ELICOS Educational Resources

This standard discusses the requirements to have sufficient educational facilities, equipment and support resources. This can include a range of multimedia tools, using varied learning activities and teaching methodologies, addressing the needs of learners, reflecting the new developments in TESOL theory and practice, educational and computer technologies, independent study practice and research, teacher study, research and preparation, catalogued material available for easy access, equipment and resources to facilitate independent study (study areas, wi-fi access etc.).

Standard P6: ELICOS Specialist Staff

This standard is all about ELICOS providers to employ suitably qualified specialist staff and to provide them ongoing opportunities for professional development. The academic management system must follow the requirements mentioned in the standard. The requirements are established for senior academic leadership staff, ELICOS teachers, counselling and general staff job-roles.  

Standard P7: ELICOS premises

The focus of this standard is to ensure ELICOS providers offer a suitable and appropriate premises. The premises of registered ELICOS providers should offer teaching and learning environments that are appropriately designed and equipped to support the range of English language courses and student support services offered. 

Standard P8: Business Management

This standard describes how the operations of the provider should support effective management actions and comply with relevant Commonwealth, state or territory legislation and other regulatory requirements that are relevant to its operations. 


Stay tuned for more… our coming newsletters will cover the following topics: 

  • Special edition on frequently asked questions and answers on ELICOS.

If you require assistance with ELICOS courses or would like to purchase ELICOS resources, contact us today at info@caqa.com.au 

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