How does an RTO protect itself in this current climate?

2 Min Read

RTO’s need to be prepared to weather any storm.  There are simple practices all RTO’s should be adhering to to ensure they are ready for whatever comes their way.

As an RTO the first step is ensuring that you understand the applicable legislation, standards and what best practice looks like.  For the VET sector these can include, but are not limited to:

  • Standards for RTOs 2015
  • National Code 2018
  • ESOS Act 2000
  • ELICOS Standards 2018

Without a thorough understanding you are not able to determine if your RTO is compliant or not.  It also means you are completely reliant on advice from colleagues, outsiders and consultants, which all have different opinions and their own agendas. Without knowledge you will not be able to decide what is good advice and should things change for the worst you will not  have the ability to defend you policies, procedures, training strategies etc it in an audit or at the AAT.

The next step is to ensure that all of your RTO’s documentation reflect the Standards and legislation.  This means that your RTO must be able to demonstrate you are compliant with all the relevant standards through verifiable evidence and a systematic implementation process.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Comprehensive Policies and Procedures
  • Implementation tools (systems, templates, flow charts, forms etc)
  • Evidence of practice (completed forms and templates etc)


There is always help available for your RTO

If you unsure or not confident with your understanding of the regulatory processes, ask for help!  Having professional advice can be an invaluable resource to your RTO. Utilising the experiences of a seasoned professional who is dealing with the regulatory bodies can give you access to a wealth of information for your RTO.  Having the right professional help can actually save you money, time and stress. Contact us to see how we can help your RTO.

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