How the Australian VET sector is changing

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The National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) has released the latest data on Total VET Activity.
Looking at program enrolments (full qualifications, accredited courses and skillsets) in TAFEs and private providers the data shows that government funded enrolments in TAFE have been largely static at a national level for the last five years (although state-based data below shows some differences by jurisdiction). In the same period as TAFEs have responded to changes in government policy, funding and restructuring in different jurisdictions, there has been a notable decline in their domestic fee-for-service enrolments, and their international enrolments have been in decline from a low base.
For private providers there was a decline nationally in government-funded enrolments from 2016 – 2018 but a subsequent increase in the last two years. Domestic fee-for-service enrolments have dropped, albeit off a high level, and international student enrolments grew year-on-year including last year with the border closed.
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