Message from the CEO (25 April 2022)

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Message from the CEO

We welcome you to our April edition of the VET sector magazine.
We are pleased to announce that we will be releasing a new version of our flagship product, CAQA Labs in May. This product will be made available as a standalone software solution and also as part of our Information Technology/ Information Systems training and assessment package.
We hope that you will find this collection of articles including an interview with Forensic Auditor and CEO of VETPrep Australia – Alex Schroder informative and useful. We believe that vocational education and training is an important part of preparing people for the workforce, and we are committed to supporting your work. Thank you again for all that you do!
Please contact us via email if you have a suggestion for a topic you’d like to see covered, news to be shared or if you have any questions, you’d want to be answered.

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