Strategies on how to promote your training organisation to international students

9 Min Read

As the number of international students studying in Australia continues to grow, so does the competition among training organisations to attract these students. Here are some strategies on how to promote your training organisation to international students:

Define your target market. Who are you trying to reach? What are their needs and wants?

Develop a marketing plan. Once you know who you want to reach, create a plan for how you will do it. Consider using print, online, and word-of-mouth marketing tactics.

Make sure your website is up-to-date and informative – Make your website international student-friendly. Your website should be accessible and understandable for an international audience. Include information about your courses, staff, facilities, and student services in multiple languages.

Use targeted keywords – When creating content for your website or social media platforms, be sure to use targeted keywords that potential students might be searching for. This will help to ensure that your content is visible to a wider audience and attract potential students from all over the world.  

Optimise your website for search engines – Make sure that your website is optimised for search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo. This will help to ensure that potential students can find your website when they are searching for information on training organisations. 

Use Google AdWords – Google AdWords is a great way to promote your training organisation to potential students. By creating targeted ads and using relevant keywords, you can reach a wider audience and attract potential students from all over the world. 

Use student testimonials – One of the best ways to promote your training organisation is by using student testimonials. These can be in the form of written testimonials, video testimonials or even infographics. Student testimonials are a great way to show potential students what your organisation has to offer and what they can expect from your programs. 

Attend international education fairs and events – Your training organisation must get involved in international education fairs and events. These events provide an opportunity for you to meet potential students from all over the world and promote your organisation. Be sure to have plenty of information about your courses and facilities available, as well as the staff who can answer any questions that students may have. 

Start a blog – Blogging is another great way to reach out to potential students and promote your training organisation. By creating informative and engaging blog content, you can show potential students what your organisation has to offer and why they should consider enrolling in your programs. 

Create informative videos – Videos are a great way to engage potential students and promote your training organisation. By creating informative and engaging videos, you can show potential students what your organisation has to offer and why they should consider enrolling in your programs. 

Use images – Images are a great way to engage potential students and promote your training organisation. By using relevant and engaging images, you can show potential students what your organisation has to offer and why they should consider enrolling in your programs. 

Use infographics – Infographics are a great way to engage potential students and promote your training organisation. By creating informative and engaging infographics, you can show potential students what your organisation has to offer and why they should consider enrolling in your programs.  

Offer scholarships and other incentives – By offering scholarships and other financial incentives, you can attract top talent from around the world. You can also market your organisation globally by using online platforms and social media. And finally, you can build relationships with foreign embassies and education organisations.  

Use social media to reach out to potential students – Make use of social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter. Many international students are active users of social media, so by creating a strong presence on these platforms, training organisations can reach out to potential students from all over the world.

Hold webinars – Webinars are a great way to engage potential students and promote your training organisation. By holding informative and engaging webinars, you can show potential students what your organisation has to offer and why they should consider enrolling in your programs.

Give talks at conferences – Giving talks at conferences is a great way to promote your training organisation to potential students. By sharing your knowledge and expertise at conferences, you can show potential students what your organisation has to offer and why they should consider enrolling in your programs.

Use social media influencers – Social media influencers are a great way to reach out to potential students and promote your training organisation. By working with relevant social media influencers, you can reach a wider audience and attract potential students from all over the world.

Give interviews – Giving interviews is a great way to promote your training organisation to potential students. By sharing your knowledge and expertise in interviews, you can show potential students what your organisation has to offer and why they should consider enrolling in your programs.

Sponsor events – Sponsoring events is a great way to promote your training organisation to potential students. By sponsoring relevant events, you can show potential students what your organisation has to offer and why they should consider enrolling in your programs. 

Use Google Analytics – Google Analytics is a great way to track the progress of your marketing efforts and see how potential students are finding your website. By using Google Analytics, you can identify which marketing strategies are working and which ones need to be improved.

A/B test your website – A/B testing is a great way to improve the conversion rate of your website. By testing different versions of your website, you can identify which version is more effective at converting potential students into actual students.

Optimise your landing pages – Landing pages are a great way to promote your training organisation to potential students. By creating optimised and effective landing pages, you can increase the conversion rate of your website and attract more potential students.

Write guest posts – Writing guest posts is a great way to promote your training organisation to potential students. By writing informative and engaging guest posts, you can show potential students what your organisation has to offer and why they should consider enrolling in your programs.

Another strategy is to collaborate with education agents who specialise in recruiting international students. These agents have extensive networks and can provide valuable insights into which students are most likely to be interested in studying at your organisation.

Finally, it’s important to create marketing materials that are specifically targeted at international students. This could include brochures and website content that highlights the unique features of your organisation that would appeal to students from overseas.

By using a combination of these strategies, training organisations can significantly boost their chances of attracting international students.

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