Inspiring true story – Don’t let others’ opinions define you!

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Our next story will be about Les Brown, who is widely regarded as one of the most influential thought leaders and motivational speakers in the world, particularly in the fields of self-improvement and goal-setting. On the contrary, things weren’t always like that for him. He began his childhood in Liberty City, Florida, on the floor of an abandoned structure, and he has spent his entire life facing challenges and adversity.

Les was a kid who struggled academically from the very beginning of his school career. The academic intelligentsia of his day gave him the designation “educable mentally handicapped” when he was in school, and as a result, he was demoted from the sixth grade to the fifth grade. The legend asserts that this caused him to fall behind in his studies. To make matters even worse, he had a twin brother who was incredibly intelligent and gifted, and as a result, Les came to be known by his contemporaries as the “DT,” which is an abbreviation for “dumb twin.”

Les hesitated when a teacher requested him to come up to the front of the class and solve a problem written on the chalkboard, claiming that he was unable to do so. The instructor gave a reassuring response by saying, “Of course you can.” “Young fellow, I need you to come up here and help me handle this problem.”

“But I can’t,” Les said over and over again. “I have a mentally disability that can not be rectified.” The rest of the students in the class started laughing out loud. At that moment, the instructor came out from behind his desk and gazed intently into Les’s eyes. He reminded him in a powerful tone, “Don’t ever say that again.” It is not necessary for you to let the perception of another person become your own reality.

Les was determined to never forget those words, and he spent the rest of his life defying enormous obstacles and working with fervour and zeal to achieve the goals he had set for himself. Because of the profound insight provided by that one teacher, Les has repeatedly demonstrated that he is capable of living up to the maxim that has made him renowned all around the world: “You have greatness within you.”

Despite being labelled “educable mentally handicapped,” Les refused to let others define him. He worked hard to improve his academics, and eventually became a successful motivational speaker and thought leader.

In today’s world, it’s so important to remember that you are in control of your own destiny. Don’t let others’ opinions or assumptions define you – you can be whoever you want to be! Just remember to stay focused on your goals and always work hard to achieve them.

This is a very important message, especially in our day and age. So many people are quick to judge others, and it can be very difficult to break out of that negative cycle. Remember – you are in control of your own life, and you can be whoever you want to be! Stay focused on your goals and never give up on yourself.

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