SA Govt invests in vocational education and training

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More young South Australians are in training and on the pathway to new jobs due in part to strong investment and reforms in South Australia’s Vocational Education and Training (VET) system. The latest data from the Productivity Commission’s annual Report on Government Services (ROGS) reports that the Marshall Liberal Government delivered the highest boost to skills training and funding in the nation in percentage terms in VET in 2018, boosted non-government training providers, and delivered improved employment outcomes for students. Highlights for South Australia include: An additional $54.3 million in State Government recurrent funding, or a 38.1 percent increase in 2018. Non-government providers were supported by an additional $11 million or a 28 percent increase from 2017, the largest increase in the nation in percentage terms. 5 percent of government funded VET graduates aged 20 to 64 improved their employment status after training in 2019 -above the national figure of 64.7 per cent. For more Information, please visit here.

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