The man who stood up for the vocational education and training sector – Mr Andrew Laming MP

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We can see the after effects of MP Andrew Laming’s speech in parliament. Many people have started talking about the vocational education and training sector, and the processes and procedures of the current regulator. 

His video that we have shared last week has received over 9,300 views, 1600 likes and 5 dislikes.The video is available through the following link: 

We are sharing some of the comments people have made publically on the above video: 

“This is extremely disturbing that auditors can walk into any brilliantly run RTO establishment and threatened to shut down due to inconsistent auditors that have a hidden agenda. Well said Andrew!” 

“Thankfully someone has taken up the plight of small rtos.  ASQA continually exibit “burearatic bastardry” , answerable to no-one. Our proposed Aboriginal RTO failed audit 3 times. First they took so  Laming MPlong to look at the application, the qualification it was superseded. Second and third, due to minor point scoring that could have been fixed by a short phone-call, were rejected again. This has now cost a small Indigenous RTO, $60k+ and 4 years no income meaning no jobs for Indigenous Students in the unique qualification we were to offer. We are at the stage of giving-up until we watched Andrew Laming MP’s incitefull video that gives us hope!” 

“Great summary of what is occurring, deeply concerning Andrew, we look forward to the follow-up…” 

“Don’t ask for a “helping hand” you’ll get a kick in the guts.  RTOs know this. 100%” 

“Great speech, Andrew.  Private RTO’s have lived in fear ever since ASQA came about.” 

“Thank you! It has always been said, someone needs to stand up and talk! Who? An RTO owner/employee? Ha! Sure way to get an audit scheduled and more than likely closure of the RTO.  Please let us know how you go with this Andrew. Thank you again for taking this on!” 

“Hit the nail on the head Andrew. As a small, regional private RTO in direct competition with TAFE for over 20 years, we are struggling to keep up with the demands ASQA puts on us merely to keep our qualifications on scope. Speak to industry, clients and students to verify quality training.”

“Very well spoken Andrew and thanks for taking this to everyone notice. Hope ASQA commissioners, Auditors and Managers watched this and realized what they have done to this industry and reputation to Australian Education. We are small RTO and CRICOS provider and it took 1 year for ASQA to approve a add on course to our current scope which also have an other campus. We were just paying rent for that new campus for 1 year while waiting for ASQA’s decision. We wait for any developments in ASQA’s processes.”

“You are more correct than you even realise, Andrew. ASQA has in fact been acting ultra vires the NVR Act and abusing process since it commenced operations in July, 2011. I lead the call for the first raft of regulatory reforms including changing the standards which occurred in January, 2015. My own RTO was destroyed by ASQA due to their corrupt conduct and defective decisions after 14 years of quality training and assessment. I have been pursuing these thugs for compensation ever since and will never back off. Only money talks in these matters.”

“Andrew Well Done you have addressed all the issues faced by RTO’s and the threat of ASQA wheeling their “big stick”. This is not how a regulator is suppose to assist an education institution.”

“Note the lack of people in the chamber. Seems pollies aren’t really interested in education”

“ASQA Auditors need more knowledge across the board and all on the same line in the sand, then we may start to see continuity.Internal training needs a boost. Providing feedback along the way to increase depth of knowledge embedded for all as a learning tool.”

Andrew Laming will always be remembered as the man who stood up for vocational education and training and a fair-go. We need a regulatory body in Australia to regulate the Vocational Education and Training sector but at the same time the principles should be based upon fairness, transparency and accountability.  

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