Message from the General Manager (22 August 2021)

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Message from the General Manager

If humans are capable of learning from their experiences, one thing that would stand out in this COVID era is that life will never be the same again, no matter how much we want things to return to the way they were. The education industry now requires better communication and collaboration tools, and better infrastructure models. Most importantly, we require technology that works effectively and efficiently, systems that are capable of assisting with learner and staff needs such as virtual reality, gamification, and artificial intelligence, as well as trust, faith, support from technologies.
At CAQA headquarters, we are continuously evolving and we are constantly looking for new methods to assist our clients and the industry in meeting current and future challenges. We are now working on hundreds of SCORM compliant files and we are investing in virtual reality, gamification, artificial intelligence, and other cutting-edge technologies to meet your needs. Our learning management system CAQA Discover will be launched soon to support clients with eLearning and mobile learning. Interested? Contact us to learn more about what we are doing, opportunities for collaboration, and what the benefits of using our services.
Anna Haranas
General Manager

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