The students deserve to be treated as more than just a revenue stream

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It is no secret that the cost of living in Australia is high. This is especially true for students, who often have to take on part-time jobs in addition to their studies just to make ends meet. Unfortunately, this means that they are often treated as nothing more than a revenue stream by both the government and training organisations.

The high cost of tuition fees is one of the biggest financial burdens facing students today. In some cases, these fees can be so high that it takes students years to pay them off – if they ever do. This puts a huge amount of financial pressure on students, which can impact their studies.

This situation is compounded by the fact that many students in vocational education and training are from low-income backgrounds and do not have the same access to resources as their wealthier counterparts. This means that they are at a distinct disadvantage when it comes to finding jobs and supporting themselves financially.

What’s more, the quality of education in Australia has been declining in recent years. This is due to the fact that training organisations are underfunded, which has led to large class sizes and a decline in the quality of teaching. This is yet another way in which students are being treated as nothing more than a source of revenue. From exorbitant fee hikes to cuts in essential services, it’s clear that the needs of students are often being neglected in favour of financial gain.

It’s time for the government and training organisations to start treating students fairly. They deserve to be given access to affordable education and be treated with respect. Only then will they be able to reach their full potential.

We need to see a shift in priorities, with an emphasis on providing quality education that meets the needs of students and prepares them for the workforce. This means investing in experienced and qualified staff, supporting them to deliver high-quality teaching, and ensuring adequate resources are available to students.

It is also critical that we move away from the one-size-fits-all approach to education, which does not meet the needs of all learners. We need to create programs that are tailored to the individual needs of each student, and that provide the flexibility to allow them to progress at their own pace.

It is vital that the government takes action to address this issue and ensure that all students in vocational education and training are treated fairly and given the opportunity to succeed. This includes providing adequate funding to providers, ensuring that courses are of a high quality, and making sure that students from all backgrounds have access to the resources they need.

Only by taking these steps will the vocational education and training sector be able to provide students with the skills and qualifications they need to find good jobs and build prosperous futures.

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