
764 Articles

CAQA Systems Services

CAQA Systems provides technology services and support, and works in partnership with

Vijay Vijay

CAQA Recruitment

Are you looking for staff? At CAQA Recruitment we help employers find

Vijay Vijay

Online Media Solutions (OMS) Services

Over the past two decades, Online Media Solutions (OMS) has provided assistance

Vijay Vijay

Best selling resources of this month

These are our top 10 best selling resources of this month: Learning

Vijay Vijay

CAQA Recruitment – The current job vacancies

Resource writers CAQA Resources is looking for qualified instructional writers and subject

Vijay Vijay

VET Sector News- April 2022

Experts to support ASQA regulatory efforts, strategic vision The government has established

Vijay Vijay

How colleges and universities are reimagining remote learning

Just two years ago, universities around the world closed their campuses at

Vijay Vijay

National Microcredentials Framework

DESE has undertaken extensive consultation with the wider tertiary sector to develop

Vijay Vijay

How COVID-19 caused a global learning crisis

In McKinsey and Company’s latest report on unfinished learning, we examine the

Vijay Vijay

New guide will help course owners apply for course accreditation

ASQA has published a new guide to help course owners understand what

Vijay Vijay