
764 Articles

Fact Sheet: Transition and teach out

Compliance requirements and guidelines: This Fact Sheet has been developed and produced

Vijay Vijay

CAQA FAQ Series – Validation and compliance requirements

What is the difference and commonality between Validation, Moderation and Pre-validation? Pre-Validation

Vijay Vijay

The websites that will help you become much more productive and efficient.

The internet has a lot of resources that you can use to

Vijay Vijay

Different types of disruptions in training and education businesses: What are they and how can they impact You?

In a world where disruption is happening at a lightning speed, the

Vijay Vijay

Quality Learner Guides from CAQA Resources

What are Learner Guides? Learner Guides are an effective teaching tool, which

Vijay Vijay

Validation Demystified – Part I

Validation is arguably the central pillar of the VET practice and has

Vijay Vijay

Contextualisation – Why you must contextualise the training and assessment resources.

Understanding contextualisation Contextualising assessments and learner materials is one of the most

Vijay Vijay

The Australian Government supports eligible employers who hire an Australian Apprentice with a new Australian Apprenticeship Program

Boosting Apprenticeships Commencement (BAC) wage subsidy is a new wage subsidy announced

Vijay Vijay

The strategies for achieving personal and professional success.

There are many strategies to success you can use in your life.

Vijay Vijay