
764 Articles

Various phases of the assessment and validation processes (Part 2)

This is Part 2 of the article, where we are discussing the

Vijay Vijay

The VET Sector News- August 2021

Australia is facing a severe labour crunch As the world recuperates from

Vijay Vijay

The Covid-19 surge in Australia is threatening plans for student return

The state government of New South Wales has placed on hold its

Vijay Vijay

Some ESOS courses are no longer required to be registered with CRICOS

It is now allowed for registered training providers to offer certain supplementary

Vijay Vijay

RTO Survey: Mandatory Work Requirements for Certificate III in Individual Support

The Human Services Skills Organisation is conducting a survey about Mandatory Work

Vijay Vijay

COVID-19 and changes in the changes in the Financial Viability and Risk Assessment (FVRA)

It poses significant challenges for RTOs to continue to provide high-quality training

Vijay Vijay

Message from the General Manager (8 August 2021)

Message from the General Manager With this edition of our monthly newsletter

Vijay Vijay

Assessment issues that may have an impact on your RTO audit (Part 1)

It is important to look into ASQAs 2017 report that shows: Around

Vijay Vijay

Various phases of the assessment and validation processes (Part 1)

In this article, we will discuss different phases of validation processes that

Vijay Vijay

Part 3- How compliance and quality assurance are two separate but intertwined concepts

In this third and final part of our “compliance and quality assurance,”

Vijay Vijay