The evolution of the employee – past vs. future requirements

The skills and knowledge gap The 21st-century workplace has seen a dramatic shift in the skills and knowledge required of employees. Whereas in the past, workers might have been able

Vijay Vijay

Interview with the compliance guru-Shruti Nargundkar, Director and Principal Consultant, Nextext

Profile: Shruti is an education innovator, quality and compliance consultant entrepreneur and manager with over 35 years of experience in education across secondary school, English Language, Vocational Education and Training

Vijay Vijay

Develop high-quality e-learning content that considers the demographics of the learners.

As more and more training organisations move their operations online, the demand for high-quality e-learning content is skyrocketing. But what makes for high-quality e-learning content? And how can you ensure

Vijay Vijay

The cost of living is hurting international students

Living costs in Australia are soaring, and international students are feeling the pinch. Some are being forced to rely on food vouchers and charity to get by. The cost of

Vijay Vijay

How to be an LGBT+ Inclusive Training organisation

LGBT+ collectively refers to people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender, and to people with gender expressions outside traditional norms, including nonbinary, intersex, and other queer people (and

Vijay Vijay

The education and training portfolios have received key ministerial appointments

The key portfolios of education, skills and training each have a new minister thanks to the appointments made by the Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese. Tanya Plibersek, who held the portfolio

Vijay Vijay

Australia faces one of the largest skills shortages of our time.

According to a study conducted by KellyOCG, a global outsourcing and consulting firm that specialises in providing workforce strategy, solutions, and operations, only 12 percent of respondents believed hybrid work

Vijay Vijay

How To Stay Compliant Without Spending A Fortune On Consultants

The vocational education and training (VET) industry is highly regulated, with a complex web of federal and state laws and regulations. Staying compliant can be a full-time job in itself

Vijay Vijay

How to protect the financial health of your training organisation

As a training organisation, you need to be financially healthy to survive and thrive. There are many things you can do to protect the financial health of your organisation, but

Vijay Vijay

The disadvantages of ASQA not following ISO auditing management systems

The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) is the national regulator for the vocational education and training (VET) sector. ASQA is responsible for ensuring that all VET providers in Australia meet

Vijay Vijay