What to do if you think someone is infringing on your copyright? – Margaret Ryan (lawyer and trademarks attorney)

The short answer is to speak to a lawyer. But make sure that they are the right lawyer. Copyright law (or, more generally, intellectual property law) is a specialisation. The

Vijay Vijay

Strategies to complete the Financial Viability Risk Assessment tool

When you apply to become an RTO or your financial condition is a source of concern, or when you are in the process of a post-initial audit scenario, ASQA may

Vijay Vijay

Message from the CEO (4 October 2021)

Message from the CEO Our professional development event related to Skills First Funding was a huge success, with hundreds of people in attendance. We have made the video available online

Vijay Vijay

Influence of COVID-19 on future plans

Training providers indicated a strong interest in incorporating more online training in the future, with 61.8% of those who moved some training online in response to the pandemic confirming that

Vijay Vijay

Delivery of training before and during COVID-19

Although there was a substantial transition (75.2%) to partial or full online delivery in response to COVID-19 (see the below table), more than half (52.5%) of the RTOs who did

Vijay Vijay

Overview of training provider response.

COVID-19 has had an undeniable impact on the VET sector, with the significant and rapid transition to online learning early in the pandemic establishing the groundwork for and influencing the

Vijay Vijay

Who pays and the relationship to online delivery?

The overall increase of online training has coincided with a substantial rise in the number of governments funded online-only subject enrolments, with these enrolments increasing by almost 362 600 in

Vijay Vijay

Now and into the future

Approximately 12 months after the commencement of COVID-19 restrictions in Australia, only about one quarter (25.1%) of the surveyed RTOs who had transferred some face-to-face training online had reverted fully

Vijay Vijay

Is blended delivery the future of Australian VET education?

A research by Sheila Hume and Tabatha Griffin, NCVER demonstrate that there was a strong response from the VET sector to COVID-19 restrictions, with the number of subjects delivered online

Vijay Vijay

MIT tops QS employability ranking 2022

Global higher education analyst Quacquarelli Symonds has named the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the US as the leader of its graduate employability ranking for a second year in a

Vijay Vijay