Vocational education and training


Vijay Vijay

Mitchell Institute releases new report and sounds VET funding alarm


Vijay Vijay

VET Student Loan Caps Lifted


Vijay Vijay

Coronavirus advice for RTOs


Vijay Vijay

Five things RTOs need to know in 2020


Vijay Vijay

The new ASQA website


Vijay Vijay

Australian visas exploited by “criminal people smuggling syndicates”


Vijay Vijay

These are the 15 most in-demand skills in Australia right now, according to LinkedIn


Vijay Vijay

I want to voice my opinion – Your letters and emails to us

In this newsletter, we are selecting this email that we received from one of our subscribers genuinely questioning the current regulatory environment on the Registered Training Organisations: Thank you for

Vijay Vijay

The VET Sector News II – December 2019

Apprentice and trainee commencements down in June 2019 quarter  The latest release of national apprentice and trainee data show commencements were down 3.3% to 33 295 in the June 2019

Vijay Vijay