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  Recruitment in Vocational Education and Training Australia wide! Career Calling Jobs

Vijay Vijay

The VET Sector News

Annual Registration Charge - Due July 30th 2019 ASQA will issue RTOs

Vijay Vijay

CAQA Resources introducing version 10.0!

At CAQA resources we are busy updating our resources to be able

Vijay Vijay

Four Corners focus on Australian Universities including Murdoch U, Swinburne University and The University of Tasmania

Four Corners focus on Australian Universities including Murdoch U, Swinburne University and

Vijay Vijay

Your trainer and assessor files (Part 4 of 5)

In the last newsletter, we discussed the following: ASQA Guidelines on “industry

Vijay Vijay

Internal audits and why they are so important (Part 5 of 5)

In the first four parts of this series we discussed the following:

Vijay Vijay

ELICOS for the International Students (Part 1 of Part 3)

'ELICOS' stands for 'English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students'. ELICOS programs

Vijay Vijay

The Quality Indicator data

The Quality Indicators provide valuable data for RTOs to identify areas for

Vijay Vijay

First aid training under review after the death of a footballer from heat stress

The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) urged registered training organisations (RTOs) that

Vijay Vijay