Latest RTO News

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Vijay Vijay

Interview with John Molenaar, Quality and Compliance Auditor

John Molenaar is an education professional who started his career in teaching

Vijay Vijay

Interview with Anna-Louise Allen, Quality and Compliance Auditor

Anna-Louise Allen has been a leader in education and a catalyst for

Vijay Vijay

Interview with Maciek Fibrich, Quality and Compliance Auditor

Maciek Fibrich is the Director of RTO Coaching and Consultancy Pty Ltd

Vijay Vijay

CAQA FAQ Series – Industry consultation

What is industry consultation in the RTO context? It is a process

Vijay Vijay

Fact Sheet: Validation of assessment resources

Compliance requirements and guidelines: This Fact Sheet has been developed and produced

Vijay Vijay

Should RTO consultants be regulated through a Government or professional body?

Training and education is a complex and vast subject. It is only

Vijay Vijay

Interview with David Jepsen, Founder and Principal of RTO Accountants

With over 25 years’ experience as a practicing CA, David is the

Vijay Vijay

Interview with Peter Doukas – Managing Director, Denison Toyer Education Lawyers

Peter owns and operates Sydney based education law firm Denison Toyer. Working

Vijay Vijay