Latest RTO News

Compliance and regulatory requirements to use video evidence

Video evidence can be used to support learning in a variety of

Vijay Vijay

CAQA Online forums, CAQA Info for maintaining your compliance and regulatory knowledge

CAQA Online forums provide information for RTO professionals. The purpose of the

Vijay Vijay

Interview – Andrew Shea – CEO, Builders Academy Australia

Andrew is an educational and business professional and known intrapreneur who specialises

Vijay Vijay

Interview – Matthew Dale – Director, Audit Express and Educonomy

With more than a decade experience working across the VET Sector, Matthew

Vijay Vijay

Mapping document of assessment resources – do you need one?

A question that has been asked over and over again is “do

Vijay Vijay

Fact Sheet: Transition and teach out

Compliance requirements and guidelines: This Fact Sheet has been developed and produced

Vijay Vijay

Validation Demystified – Part I

Validation is arguably the central pillar of the VET practice and has

Vijay Vijay

Strategies to complete the Financial Viability Risk Assessment tool

When you apply to become an RTO or your financial condition is

Vijay Vijay